This week’s question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
I’ve been having a rough few days. I feel like everything in our firm is broken. My employees aren’t doing a good job. Our technology isn’t working. We’re not collecting money. I’m finding fault in everything, and it’s discouraging to me. I can’t even think of one positive thing to try and break out of this.
It really hit home when you were teaching on the need to focus on the vision and not the problems. I made a list of broken things that I need to fix. But maybe I’m phrasing it the wrong way. Can you help me?
Here’s the thing. With everything that’s going on right now with COVID-19, it leaves the mind open to suggestion.
Our mind is constantly on alert for finding things that are wrong.
If we start looking at one thing that’s wrong…we get consumed by that idea. We go into the “creative energy” of making other things wrong.
That’s where we start having all these other problems.
Very rarely does it look like we’re creating this ourselves.
It’s like, “Well, now all my employees are having a problem, and my vendors are having a problem. Nobody’s collecting any money.” It seems like an external issue.
We then start expanding on that…by focusing on it more. That’s the “creative energy” we’re putting out into the universe around the thing we’re afraid of.
The idea is that you have to stop it. Forget about the problems.
Focus on: Where am I going? What is the result I want? What is the outcome I’m going to focus on?
And you start moving in that direction.
Even in my company, we’ve had to change many things over the last two months. Some things broke down. There were miscommunications within our team. There was a lot of pivoting, a lot of doing things last minute. A lot of things got overlooked.
I think as a business owner, you’re always faced with this choice of, “Do I look at this as something negative — or do I look at this as something positive?”
What’s worked for me is focusing on being super grateful for all those things that broke down…because they tell you where you need to grow and what you need to fix, so that you can have the business you want in 6 months, 12 months, or a year.
Don’t focus on the problems or beat yourself up for them. That actually keeps you in the problem.
If you find a problem, or someone on your team brings you a problem, it’s an opportunity to say, “Fantastic. Now we know what needs to be fixed. Now we have a crack to fill. That will help us as we move forward.”
Try to stay focused on how each “problem” will help you, how this will be one less issue you’ll have to solve in 6 months or in 12 months.
Focus on gratitude and where you’re going in growth.
PS: If you enjoy reading my weekly Neagle Code, you’ll LOVE my podcast, The Successful Mind. You can expect cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships, all based in Universal Law and my own experience creating a multi-million dollar business.
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