This week’s question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
Hi David,
What do you do if you have a direct conflict with someone else in your life regarding your beliefs? I have heard you say in the past to be authentic to yourself regarding your beliefs as long as it doesn’t interfere with the choice and will of others on these things, but what if it interferes with them if I follow my beliefs and they choose to do something they believe?
Great question. Let me explain this a little more …
It is all about whether you interfere with their ability to choose, not their choice itself.
Our choice around our belief is independent of anybody else.
So, even if your choice was in direct opposition of their choice, you’re not taking away their ability to choose. They can still choose, but it may not be the same thing you are choosing.
Where this becomes a problem is when someone is averse to conflict.
I see this all the time with entrepreneurs.
They make a choice, that is not really what they would choose for themselves, because they are worried about how someone else (team, spouse, family) will FEEL if they actually chose what they wanted for themselves.
This, in turn, creates a great inner conflict, and they end up creating all kinds of chaos in their life and business.
As a business owner, you have a right to choose how you will run your business and your team has the choice to stay or go.
As a person you have the right to choose how you want to live, and your spouse or friends have the choice to stay or go. Now obviously I would hope that you would have open conversations about your individual desires prior to it getting to that point, but you can see what I mean.
You choosing your belief is not taking away anyone else’s right to choose for themselves.
And in fact, if you don’t own your beliefs and desires, you will end up in resistance to your own purpose. You’ll experience a profound value conflict that is causing your resistance to doing the things necessary to grow your business.
I’m doing an entire 60-minute FREE training on The Universal Law of Non-Resistance on Tuesday at 1pm ET. I’ll be explaining this more in-depth and giving some tips on how to quickly identify and move through resistance…there’s nothing worse than the inner tug of war caused by a value conflict! CLICK HERE for the details!
PS: If you enjoy reading my weekly Neagle Code, you’ll LOVE my podcast, The Successful Mind. You can expect cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships, all based in Universal Law and my own experience creating a multi-million dollar business.
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