Create your status. Fill it with achievement.


Entrepreneurs create their lives differently than the majority of people.

The majority, or the masses, have been taught a different set of beliefs and values based on hard work and incremental achievement.

They also believe that atonement is somehow given to them by other people.

“If I get good grades, then I’ll get praised.”
“If I do a good job at work, then I’ll get a raise.”

Success minded individuals know their achievement, promotion and income is created by themselves, and it begins with their thinking. Next they fill their lives with all the things that support a “success mindset.”

They surround themselves with like-minded people.

They invest in their skill development and take responsibility for their own personal growth.

They also understand that getting uncomfortable is a PREREQUISITE to all of this and they even learn to become comfortable living out on this edge of life. My mentor used to say, “If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room.” I happen to agree.

The edge is the creative place to be and keeps a person growing and headed in the right direction.

People who play it safe and think they are going to maintain the status quo are living in ignorance of a very basic law of the universe. The Law says, You are either growing or dying, but nothing remains the same. Everything is in a state growth or death.

Now, ask yourself this question: Are you constantly preparing for your own success? Successful individuals realize that preparing is nothing more than a stalling tactic created by fear. It’s unfortunate some people can’t seem to get out of the “preparing for success” mindset. You see, once you make a decision to create your own success you move on that decision, everything you require for the manifestation of your dream begins to move to you.

A.L.Hunt put it this way:

1. Decide what you want

2. Decide what you will give up to get it

3. Get on with the work.

Does that seem scary? It should if your goal and your dreams are big enough.

One of my favorite authors (Price Pritchett) explained it like this:

“Quantum leaps jerk you out of your comfort zone. Prepare yourself for a pretty wild ride. You’re going to cover unfamiliar terrain and encounter obstacles you’ve never faced before. It can feel like the safety chain linking you with behavior patterns that worked in the past is being stretched to the limit.

At times you may wonder if the situation is about to spin out of control. The normal reaction is to want to hold on tightly. But you’re going to have to learn to let go.

A quantum leap is achieved through release.

So turn loose if you want to jump.

Don’t be surprised if you grow uneasy…that’s a predictable part of the process. When you take a the quantum leap you ride the situation, but you don’t really control it all that much. In fact, the only way you control it is by:

1. Knowing where you are going.

2. Continuing the pursuit

3. Learning from your mistakes.

A quantum leap is an act of faith, exhilarating and possibly scary at the same time. You have to give up a large degree of security and safety; plow through greater amounts of ambiguity and confusion and uncertainty, wrestle with a totally new set of problems, invite failure, and possibly contend with criticism from other people who have been part of your support group in the past.

Make you uncomfortable?

That’s a good sign.

If you’re experiencing no anxiety or discomfort, the risk you’re taking probably isn’t worthy of you.

The only risks that aren’t a little scary are the ones you’ve outgrown.

A high comfort level provides solid evidence that you’re “playing it safe,” not growing, not really testing your limits at all, and not in the process of a quantum leap.

You might be making gradual progress…that’s possible but you’re not going for a breakthrough.

Doing this carries you beyond your commonplace, everyday habits and calls for a little more nerve.

So just go into this expecting a touch of anxiety. Uneasiness is a predictable psychological reaction when a quantum leap is underway.

It has been said that if you will do the thing you fear, death of fear is certain.

Courage is not the absence of fear and anxiety, it’s proceeding in spite of those feelings.

So press on.”

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways we can help you grow YOUR business:

  • The Successful Mind Podcast. Each week, we drop cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships.
  • Join other like-minded small business owners in our Business Transformation Facebook Group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Wednesday, January 29th at 3:00 PM ET
Live Only – No Replay

Grab your ticket now before our Super Early Bird Pricing expires on July 2nd!

During this powerful 1-hour training, David will share with you:

  • Why Extraordinary Growth Isn’t About Hard Work or Strategy: Learn why grinding harder won’t get you to the next level.
  • The Truth About Quantum Leaps: Big results don’t require big effort—they require big thinking.
  • The Power of Immersion and a New Way of Thinking: This isn’t about incremental change—it’s about redefining what’s possible for you.

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