You’ve surely seen this phenomenon:
Someone who was raised in poverty achieves a great deal of success, while another person, who seemingly was given every advantage in life, squanders it.
If you’ve ever wondered why that is, seemingly is the word to notice.
Because, while that advantaged person may have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the person raised in lesser circumstances actually got the better deal, if she was raised to have confidence in herself.
Let Me Lead You to Confidence
When I was first starting out in my own business, I was also doing sales training for the company owned by my mentor, Bob Proctor.
After a couple of these trainings, I noticed that one of the biggest problems plaguing my trainees was their lack of self-confidence.
Thinking I had the key, I told Bob that all we had to do was teach them confidence.
He looked at me and said, “You can’t teach a person confidence.”
I quickly disagreed. I figured if you can get the idea, you can do anything. And while that’s true, I realized later what he meant.
I can’t teach you to be confident. I can, however, lead you to it.
I can lead you through this 5-part process for developing self-confidence, and hope that, like the proverbial horse, you drink it in.
But before you start taking that draft of self-confidence, you need to understand how it develops.
You Were Born This Way
Webster’s dictionary defines self-confidence in part as, “A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.”
You were born self-confident. Nothing inside you stopped you from exploring your world.
Now, some of us were fortunate to have guardians who nurtured our native confidence, so that, rather than withering on the vine, it actually grew.
And, despite any unfortunate circumstances, we actually achieve the goals that we set. We’re on purpose in our life, and we break through barriers and obstacles that we encounter along the way.
If you weren’t raised to have unshakeable self-confidence, don’t despair, because you can develop it in yourself, like I did.
The truth is you have the ability to do virtually anything that you can wrap your mind around.
When you were a toddler, you knew that.
Just think about how many times a toddler falls down before she finally learns to stand, and then walk. It’s really phenomenal, when you think about the confidence it takes for a toddler to keep getting up.
But she does. She has an idea of walking, and she tries again and again until she succeeds.
You can be like that toddler again.
If you apply the five steps in this series, you can develop self-confidence that, in time, will become unshakeable.
And once you do that, virtually nothing is off-limits. You can do, be, or have whatever you want.