Over the past couple of months, I’ve been teaching you how to set and manifest goals that will truly make a difference in your life and the lives of everyone you touch.
To do that, you have to inspire yourself and commit to your goal.
Create the Ideal Environment for Your Goal
Your environment was created out of your old reality, so if you don’t change it to reflect where you’re going, it will keep pulling you back to where you’ve been.
To create the ideal environment to support your goal, first make a list of the things, ideas and people in your life that are not in harmony with your goal and should be removed.
Be really honest here ~ and brave.
It can be difficult to part ways, but do you really want to be held back by people who don’t support your vision? Do you want to play small for fear of what others will think? Do you really want that cat-scratched sofa?
Once you’ve made the list of what to remove from your life, make another list of those things that must come in to support your goal.
For instance, you may have to go to a particular seminar. Hire a coach. Sell your house. Buy a car. Fly first class. Raise your prices or rates.
Whatever it is, don’t bargain with the Universe. If God is showing you what to do, just step into it.
I have client after client who can pinpoint their rapid rise to the first time they bought a first-class plane ticket. They knew it was required, so they did it, and their lives were never the same.
Commit to Your Goal
Now it’s time to make a binding commitment to manifest your dream.
This is a contract, so don’t do it unless you’re willing to commit 100% to your goal.
100% means it will manifest. Failure is not an option. If you sincerely come from that place, you will reach your goal.
You will manifest the money, the business, the girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse. You’ll manifest the health, the social life, the house, the boat.
Whatever it is that you want, it will happen.
Write your commitment in the present tense. For instance, “I commit to having a $10 million-dollar-a-year business.” Then sign and date the page.
Now, on another piece of paper or an index card, make a goal card to carry with you and read several times a day. On that page, write: “I’m so happy and grateful now that ___________,” and write in your goal.
For instance, “I’m so happy and grateful now that I have a $10 million-dollar-a-year business.”
Remember, don’t include any timeframes. The Universe is handling how and when your dream manifests.
You are taking the steps I’ve been showing you in this series, boldly doing what must be done and making an unwavering commitment to your goal.
Do that and you will manifest like crazy.
The Universe will knock itself out to help you reach your goal.
© Copyright 2012 – David Neagle’s Life Is Now Inc., All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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David Neagle, The Million Dollar Income Acceleration Mentor and author of The Millions Within, teaches entrepreneurs and commission-based sales professionals how to quantum leap their current incomes past the 7-figure income level, often in less than 12 months. As a world-class speaker, sales trainer, and success-mindset mentor to some of the globe’s top CEOs, David also privately mentors big decision-makers in their pursuit of quantum success and peace of mind.