If you’ve taken each step in this goal-setting series, you’ve used fantasy to receive your prosperous goal, decided that you are ready and willing to manifest it, invested yourself emotionally in your goal, and begun to raise your level of awareness.
By now, the Universe has probably already brought you the opportunity that will lead to manifesting your goal.
As I said last time, this is where faith becomes crucial.
If your opportunity requires you to do something that you don’t want to do, you may decide that things aren’t all that bad after all. You don’t really need the thing you said you wanted.
This is a very predictable reaction. It’s just your subconscious mind trying to keep you where you are.
Your task is to keep moving forward regardless.
Here’s how you do that.
Decide, Change, Adapt, Grow
First, recognize that your opportunity is meeting you one level up from where you are.
Picture yourself at the bottom of a staircase. Your goal is at the top. All the stairs in between represent each of the opportunities that you have to step up and into in order to reach your goal.
Let’s say you’re a filmmaker living in Des Moines, and your goal is to win an Oscar. The Universe has shown you the opportunity for your first step, which requires you to move to Los Angeles. If you like Des Moines, you might resist the change. You might feel reluctant to leave family and friends.
Yet, deep down you know it’s the right move, so you step up and into the opportunity. You make the change and move to LA.
Then you have to adapt to the change, and the second you do that, you grow.
You’re now standing on the second stair, and you see your next step, the opportunity that will take you to the third stair. Again, it requires you to take a risk, but your faith is stronger so you may spend less time contemplating your fear
You decide to embrace the opportunity, make the change, adapt to the change, and grow.
You then follow this same pattern all the way to the top.
Remember that you will only ever see your next step, because each one requires you to grow into its challenges before the following one can be revealed.
Also, your dream is in a constant state of transformation as well. Your goal may change as you grow. You may realize that what you really want is to make brilliant, moving films that impact people’s lives, and the best way to do that may not lead to the red carpet.
No matter. You don’t have to know that now. Your goal of winning an Oscar gets you on the staircase.
It starts you on a journey that represents a new way of being ~ living in faith and becoming the person you are meant to be.
That process won’t ever be easy, because your subconscious mind will resist each change, but you can become comfortable being uncomfortable. I’ll talk more about that next time.
In the end, however, it’s absolutely worth it.
As you proceed toward your goal, you’ll feel more alive, more prosperous and more of service than ever before.
© Copyright 2012 – David Neagle’s Life Is Now Inc., All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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David Neagle, The Million Dollar Income Acceleration Mentor and author of The Millions Within, teaches entrepreneurs and commission-based sales professionals how to quantum leap their current incomes past the 7-figure income level, often in less than 12 months. As a world-class speaker, sales trainer, and success-mindset mentor to some of the globe’s top CEOs, David also privately mentors big decision-makers in their pursuit of quantum success and peace of mind.