This week’s question from our portal “Ask Us Anything” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
For the last year or so, I feel like I’ve been on somewhat of a losing streak. My income in my business dropped, and I’m not hitting the personal goals that I really want. It seems like things are gradually getting worse. I want to change this, and I’m trying to get on the right track, but I can’t seem to break out of this losing streak.
How do I turn this around and start WINNING?
Thanks for your question.
Over the past 25 years, I’ve coached many entrepreneurs who had this same internal issue. And I’ve found that it always boils down to one thing: your ability to choose.
Everything in life and business operates by the law of “cause and effect.” If you feel like you’re “losing,” what is causing you to feel that way?
What would cause you to feel like you’re “winning” (however you define these words)?
When things seem to be getting worse and you feel like you can’t break out of a losing streak, I would recommend looking at 5 specific things within yourself: your thoughts, words, actions, habits, and choices.
This is the time to be honest with yourself. What are you repeatedly thinking, saying, doing, and CHOOSING on a daily basis?
What needs to change in order to create the outcomes you really want?
I would also own the fact that you’ve been making certain choices for the past year, that have brought you certain results. On some level (whether consciously or unconsciously), you’ve created the life and business that you currently have.
One of the biggest barriers for business breakthroughs is believing that you’re not the one choosing your own experience in life.
If you don’t like your results, you can start to change them at any time—by first changing your thoughts, words, actions, habits and choices.
You have to get all 5 of these things in alignment with the direction you want to go. For example:
Words – Instead of telling yourself, “I’m on a losing streak,” start using different language: e.g., “I’m determined to figure out what it takes to create a winning business that I love.”
Thoughts – Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day and notice where you’re being negative. Can you reframe your perspective in the moment?
Actions – Write down all the actions you’re taking each day, for a week. What are you actually doing throughout the day? Are these actions supportive of your goals?
Habits – Do you have any negative habits that you need to replace with positive habits?
Choices – Is there an important decision you’ve been putting off? What choice(s) do you need to make to get the outcomes you want?
In order to start winning, you must get your thoughts, words, actions, habits, and choices in alignment with winning. This is “cause and effect” at play.
I’d recommend you start by focusing on 1 goal that you’re really excited about for the next 90 days, and build from there.
In my TEM90 program (The Elite Mind 90-Day Experience) we drill in the consistency of showing up every day and removing anything that’s getting in the way of your goal—including negative self-talk (words) and self-sabotaging actions and habits. Over a period of 90 days, we get you fully aligned with the outcomes you truly desire.