This week’s question from our portal “Ask Us Anything” comes from Erin.
Things I want often don’t happen in the timeframe that I want. So, my question is… how do I get things to happen in my desired timeframe? Specifically, I’m referring to making a certain amount of money within a certain timeframe.
Great question!
Part of it is looking at your math. Ask yourself, is the math correct? Meaning, are you charging enough and selling enough to hit the actual goal that you want?
If your math isn’t correct, then the things you desire won’t end happening up in the right timeframe. The math has to be correct.
However, it’s not just all about the math. The second part is—what does the math indicate about you that you have to change, as far as your belief system goes, to actually be able to do it?
For example, can you actually see yourself hitting the goal?
Do you believe you’re worth hitting the goal?
When I was setting my goal to go from $50,000 a year to $50,000 per month, even when I got the math right, my first challenge was my belief system.
The easiest way to hit my goal would have been to charge someone $50,000 for my coaching but I thought, “Oh man, I don’t know that I can charge $50,000 for my coaching.”
Back then, I didn’t realize I had that issue at first. Instead of starting with the $50,000 I figured out what I did believe I could charge and still hit the goal so I lowered it to $15,000.
Now, if I was going to go back and do it again, I probably would just stick with the $50,000 but that’s not where my belief was back then. And if there’s anything that will get you to your goal faster it’s aligning your current belief with the amount you can see yourself receiving. Start where you are!
For example in that moment, I thought, “What could I believe that I might be able to get for what I’m doing? And do I have any evidence that this is actually worth it?”
I could see myself receiving $15,000, and I did have evidence that it was worth it, the value was there.
So, I set my price to $15,000. Within 2 weeks I hit my goal of $50,000 a month and I’ve never gone back. Not long after that I was making over a million a year.
P.S. So many business owners have big goals, but they don’t believe they’re worth reaching those goals. Their belief stops them from moving forward. If you want to override this within yourself, I encourage you to start immersing yourself in success principles, so that you’re continually moving forward in life and business. To learn how to do this, join me for my Art of Success Summit, happening June 26-28th. For three days, we’ll go deep into the universal laws and how you can apply them to create the success you desire.
Click here to learn more and reserve your spot!