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How Do I Move Past My Terror Barrier?

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This week’s question from our portal “Ask Us Anything” comes from Clint.

I’ve discovered that I have the “I don’t know” block. Whenever I don’t know how to do something, I stop. This is the terror barrier that stops me from moving forward every time. 

Underneath this, I realized there’s a fear of being seen. That fear is driving the “I dont know pattern that keeps showing up in my life. Is there something I can do to move through this? What would you suggest? 

Great question! 

The fear of being seen is an authority problem. 

Whenever you’re concerned about how somebody else sees you, you’re giving that person “authority” in your mind to override the decisions you make. Your decisions then become based on what that person is going to think of your actions. 

You have to take back your authority. 

This is your life. Own it. Give authority back to yourself, and stop caring what anybody else thinks about what you’re doing.

You have to become the authority of your own life. 

This takes practice. You can consciously do this, but it takes time to change the habit pattern that’s controlling your behavior underneath. 

If you do this consistently, youll take back that authorityand then you’ll have to work through whatever happens emotionally in you, if people reject what youre doing. 

If you’re afraid of what other people think of you, you’re projecting your fears onto them. However, the voices in your head are real. 

If youre hearing a voice that says you can’t do something—that’s the voice you grew up with. Everybody has those internal, negative voices. You just have to stop listening to them. 


P.S. So many business owners let the voices in their head stop them from moving forward. If you want to override this, you must start immersing yourself in success principles, so that you’re continually moving forward in life and business. To learn how to do this, join me for my Art of Success Summit, happening June 26-28th. For three days, we’ll go deep into the universal laws and how you can apply them to create the success you desire.

Click here to learn more and reserve your spot!

“[The Art of Success Summit] is an absolute must for everyone who is committed to personal evolution. David is a master at how fear, shame, and guilt prevent you from manifesting your purpose.” 
~ Kristin D’amato 
Author, Speaker, Healer   

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways we can help you grow YOUR business:

  • The Successful Mind Podcast. Each week, we drop cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships.
  • Join other like-minded small business owners in our Business Transformation Facebook Group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Grab your ticket now before our Super Early Bird Pricing expires on July 2nd!

Art of Success

Virtual Summit

October 23-25, 2024 VIRTUAL ONLY

What you can expect to learn during this 3 day event:

What you can expect to learn during this 3 day event:

  • How to uncover any unrecognized value conflicts that are keeping you from effectively solving recurring problems in your business.
  • How to make sound business decisions based on where you’re headed and what’s on the horizon.
  • How to connect to your “WHY” and the part it plays in your success.
  • And so much more over the course of 3 action packed days from the comfort of your own home or office!

If you’re ready to take ownership over your destiny and start living life on your own terms, this course will provide the step-by-step framework you need.

The time for excuses and playing small is over.

Are you ready to break through your limitations, gain unstoppable confidence, and claim the life you desire?

Then take the first step by joining 6 Steps to Personal Freedom right now.

Grab your ticket now before our Super Early Bird Pricing expires on July 2nd!

Program start date is October 9, 2023