This week’s question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions
for Life” comes from Miriam.
How do I know when to invest in hiring a team? Are there key indicators to let me know when it’s time to expand and bring more people into my business?
Thanks so much David!
Hi Miriam, great question.
Yes, actually there is.
First of all, it’s very important that you know where you are coming from.  The more time you are able to spend creating cash flow and delivering your services, the more profitable your business can become.
When hiring a team, you must come from a desire to expand rather than a desire to be saved.
When you have a desire to expand, you will hire people for the right reasons. If you are someone who has the need to control, you’ll find yourself having a difficult time surrendering these tasks.
So, what are the right reasons to hire a team?
Hire a team to take care of all things that you shouldn’t be doing in your business. These are things that don’t generate cash flow:
• Answering emails
• Admin
• Bookkeeping
• Scheduling travel
• FAQs
• Research
It is important that YOU spend your time doing money generating activities.
The more time you are able to spend creating cash flow and delivering your services, the more profitable your business can become.
PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost
program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: to participate.