This week’s question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from Greg T.
I read your posts on the Law of Vibration, and I still don’t think I’m getting it fully. It’s so interesting…I’m becoming so much more aware of the wealth around me, and I’m seeing representations everywhere, but all of it is outside my grasp. Meaning I see it, and I’m aware of it, but the number in my bank account is not changing.
PLEASE tell me what I’m misunderstanding!
Fantastic question Greg! Let me see if I can help.
Most people don’t know what wealth is.
You see positive or negative thoughts will put you into a positive or negative vibration and activate or trigger cells of recognition in the brain that are attached to earlier experiences.
If you’ve never experienced prosperity or wealth before, you have none of those cells of recognition.
Therefore, when you think positive thoughts of prosperity, the cells in your brain that you’re activating are actually what you have in your subconscious, which for most people are the physical appearance of the money itself and what they’ve had to do to get money, which is trading time for it. There are no cells of recognition for what actually causes wealth to come in.
Most people focus on the effects of wealth.
You can use the Law of Vibration to increase your awareness of wealth and prosperity, which is what you’re experiencing.
If you practice positive thoughts about money and prosperity, you can become inspired and enthusiastic and build images of what you think wealth and prosperity look like.
You will then become aware of really cool cars on the street; you’ll notice nice houses that you never saw before. You’ll become more aware of wealthy people; you’ll hear people talking about money everywhere you go.
But you won’t actually be earning the wealth yourself.
That’s because you’re focusing on the effects of wealth, not its cause.
As I’ve explained, the Law of Vibration can make you more aware of money, but it does not cause the money to come in.
So what causes the money to come in?
I’ll be answering that question on a FREE teaching call that I have scheduled for March 27th at 3pm ET, titled The Universal Law of Vibration: The TRUTH About How to Attract What You Desire. I encourage you to click here for more details and add this class to your calendar ASAP!
PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: to participate.