Over the next couple of months, I’m going to share with you some lessons from You2, by Price Pritchett. Those lessons, based in universal truths, can teach you how to make a quantum leap in your business.
Let me start by saying this: quantum leaps are possible; they happen all the time.
My business makes a quantum leap every year. I go into every new year, thinking, “We are going to make a quantum leap this year.”
From that foundational standpoint, the ideas come. You have to be open to new ideas.
Some of you may be struggling just to fill a room or make the sales that you made in the past, so the idea of a quantum leap sounds implausible. But listen: it isn’t an either/or proposition. Quantum leaps require new strategies and new thinking, but so do these times. If you have to change anyway ~ and you do ~ why not take the opportunity to step up to something bigger?
The Physics of Success
The term “quantum leap” is taken from quantum physics. The most powerful science ever conceived, quantum physics requires a major rethinking of such concepts as time and space and how human consciousness operates.
In order to make a quantum leap, you have to remove from your thinking the idea of time and space.
That’s not easy, because time and space is such a fundamental part of our thinking processes that we don’t even realize it. We use it to measure everything that we do.
Physicists face a similar problem. They can’t measure an atomic particle, such as the electron, unless they focus on it. The particle only exists in a specific location when it’s focused upon. Where is it when it’s not being measured? It exists in a sea of potential, simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.
To comprehend that, consider your peripheral vision. If you focus on one spot, say your computer screen, you can still see other things in your office. They’re blurry, but you can see them.
Not so with the atomic particle, which seems to disappear.
Your quantum leap results operate the same way. You can only grasp them when they’re focused upon. Yet, they still exist in that sea of potential, everywhere and nowhere.
To consider those results, like the physicist, you have to give up the old forms of measurement, be willing to think in new ways.
Here’s the promise, if you’re ready for it.
Right now, in this moment, you can multiply your personal effectiveness and shatter old achievement records.
So far, you haven’t come close to reaching your full potential. No matter how you measure success or define achievement, you have barely scratched the surface of what you can accomplish.
Yet, life is prepared to give you a breakthrough experience. You can live the dream and enjoy a completely different plane of success.
Try this: on a piece of paper write down your financial achievement last year.
Increasing that number by 1 or 2 percent is not a quantum leap. What if you increased it 500 percent?
Are you ready for that?
Are you ready to be the person you are meant to be?
If so, start here: Picture, for a moment, your quantum leap results. Really grasp them with your mind. Then let yourself believe that, like atomic particles, even though you can’t yet measure those results, they exist in a sea of potential, waiting for you.
© Copyright 2009 – David Neagle’s Life Is Now Inc., All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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