This week’s question from our portal “Ask Us Anything” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
I’ve heard you say that if you have money problems, more money won’t solve the issue… because you’ll still have the same problem. Can you expand on this more?
Yes, I can. Great question.
To understand this, you have to look at the Law of Cause and Effect.
Money is always an effect, not a cause.
When people say that “lack of money” is causing problems in their life, they’ve got it backwards. Money doesn’t cause anything to happen or not happen in your life. It’s the result (i.e. the effect) of someone taking an action to bring the money in.
For example, if you’re a business owner, the only thing that causes money to come into your bank account is you making sales.
When you take certain actions, the result is sales. Money follows the law of cause and effect. This means when you do things that CAUSE money to show up, it will show up.
YOU are the first cause of everything in your life.
If you’re repeatedly experiencing the same problems over and over again, it’s because on some level (usually subconsciously), you want those problems to be there.
You have to dig underneath and figure out what the real problem is.
Making money is the easiest thing in the world to do, once you know how to do it. If you can master the art of making sales, you can make all the money you could ever want.
The problem is, you might not be aware of what causes money to come into your life. You might not be willing to do what it takes to make the sales.
The problem is, people’s mindset gets in the
way of doing what it takes to make sales.
They fear being rejected, judged, or abandoned. Or they feel uncomfortable asking for the money.
These fears are the result of a negative belief system they have about money, which is CAUSING them to not make enough sales.
In this case, a lack of money isn’t the real problem. The real problem is the person’s mindset around making sales. Having more money won’t solve that—until they get to the root of what’s causing them to be afraid of making sales.